Earth Vibes Minerals & Jewelry
Green Kyanite Crystals / Blades ~ Heart Healing
Green Kyanite Crystals / Blades ~ Heart Healing
Heart healing Green Kyanite crystals in various sizes. These are a vibrant green and look even more beautiful in person. They are chosen randomly depending on the size you choose. Each one is beautiful and unique.
Small- Averaging in size from .50"- 1.5"
Medium-+1.5" - 2"
Large- +2"- 3"
About Green Kyanite
Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation. It brings a calming tranquilizing energy to the body that clears and calms you in preparation for meditation, assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. Kyanite restores Qi to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.
Working primarily through the Heart Chakra, Green Kyanite can facilitate your connection with your deepest truth found only within your heart. It then helps you to learn how to live from this eternal truth.
Green Kyanite can alleviate depression by offering hope and support for the internal adjustment needed to effect positive external changes. By connecting the Heart Chakra to the Third-Eye Chakra, Green Kyanite can help one to discover the inner voice so necessary for real personal growth.
Green Kyanite is often used to make contact with the nature spirits, and is great to take along on hikes or camping trips. Plant lovers place Green Kyanite into the soil of a potted plant to improve growth and stamina.
Astrological sign of Pisces
Vibrates to the number 4
**Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions.